Trade & delivery conditions
You can feel safe when dealing with us. We abide by the rules set by the legislation. Read on for further details.
1. Generally
These trade and delivery conditions apply to all deliver- ies from Lamico ApS, 110 Evetoftevej, DK-3370 Melby. Tel. +45 4879 9799. Internet shop: E-mail: CVR no. 15133139.
If there are no other written agreements between the buyer and Lamico ApS, which alter these conditions, consumer laws apply.
2. Delivery volume
On the present conditions the buyer acquires the art- icle(s) described on the front of this invoice or in the or- der confirmation for items bought via the Internet.
3. Documentation and guide
The delivery may include product descriptions and user guides as and if worked out. If the buyer wishes further advice from Lamico this is solely a guidance, yet with a view to existing legislation for any responsibility regard- ing the purchase.
4. Re complaint upon incomplete or faulty delivery If the delivery does not comply with the accompanying invoice the buyer must complain within reasonable time. If not, the right to object against faulty delivery is lost.
Return packages are only received by prior arrangement
5. Re complaint upon faults and defects
To complain that items suffer from faults or defects the buyer must make a complaint to Lamico within reason- able time upon discovery of the fault. The buyer must state and show on demand the nature of the fault/de- fect. Lamico is only responsible for defects put to us within 2 years of the delivery time.
In connection with complaints, defects stated within 6 months after delivery are presumed to have been present at the time of delivery, unless Lamico can prove otherwise, and if there are no circumstances suggesting that the client may have dropped the item or been re- sponsible for the defect in any other way, or if the item is an article with an expected life of less than 6 months.
6. Limitation of responsibility
Lamico takes on responsibility according to existing le- gislation thereon, but does not take on further respons- ibility than the Law proscribes.
7. Product responsibility
Lamico is product-responsible according to existing le- gislation thereon, but does not take on further respons- ibility than the Law proscribes.
8. Price and payment
Unless otherwise agreed the articles are delivered upon previous payment by credit card or bank transfer. Right of reservation is taken re erroneous prices mentioned in the webshop as well as sold out or run-out items.
9. Right of return
If the buyer is an end-user he/she may regret the pur- chase in accordance with the law on certain end-user deals. This requires the buyer to inform Lamico 14 days after reception of the ordered item(s), at the latest, and that the buyer returns the item(s) to Lamico in the same condition and quantity as received. The buyer may re- gret a purchase by returning the item(s) to our address or send it to us by ordinary mail or other freight means. See our address above.
Costs of return are paid by the buyer.
10. Registration of information
When ordered items are registered on Lamico’s web- site, the buyer's information is entered into our system. This information is used as follows:
Standard information (obligatory information):
Address information: Used for freight purposes connec- ted to the ordering of goods.
Phone number/e-mail: Used for contacting the buyer during the execution of orders.
Card information: Used for the execution of payment transactions.
Further information (voluntary information).
Employees with Lamico have access to this information.
11. Information on redress
European Commission's online complaint portal can be used when filing a complaint. This is particularly relevant if you are a consumer residing in another EU country. Complaints lodged here - The filing of a complaint enter our e-mail address
Lamico does not pass on information to third party. The data given by the buyer when entered as a customer are considered confidential and are not passed on in any case.
Lamico does not send unsolicited e-mails except when necessary, as seen above.
When buying from Lamico’s internet shop your IP ad- dress and purchase time are registered. This informa- tion is solely used for the investigation of fraud/misuse, e.g. with credit cards.
All activities at Lamico are registered automatically in a log file. The log files are only used for anonymous stat- istical purposes (number of visitors, hits etc.).
If you have bought an item from Lamico, we have to keep this information for min. 5 years, as proscribed in the account law. If you have never made a purchase through Lamico, but are entered as a customer in our system you can ask for deletion of your data at any time by sending an e-mail with this request to