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Smellfree nappy bins and refills for babies and adults

1652M-PROEVEInkoBaby <span class="purple">Twister </span>
Producer of
Fits: InkoBaby and Sangenic/Tommee Tippee "Twist & Click" nappy bins
        And Sangenic XL
The film included Antibacterial material, without parfumeClick here to see instructions for use
1652MInkoBaby <span class="purple">Twister refill</span>
Producer of
Fits: InkoBaby and Sangenic/Tommee Tippee "Twist & Click" nappy bins
        And Sangenic XL
The film included Antibacterial material, without parfumeClick here to see instructions for use
Klimavenlig Genbrugsplast
Climate Friendly Recycled Plastic
1625MInkoBaby <span class="purple">Climate Twister refill</span>
Producer of
Fits: InkoBaby and Sangenic/Tommee Tippee "Twist & Click" nappy bins
The film included Antibacterial material, without parfumeClick here to see instructions for use
1698MInkoBaby Weekend refill
Producer of
Fits: InkoBaby & Angelcare & Simplee Sangenic  nappy bins
The quality of film included Antibacterial material  8,5M without PerfumeClick here to see instructions for use
Klimavenlig Genbrugsplast
Climate Friendly Recycled Plastic
1615MInkoBaby Climate Weekend refill
Producer of
Fits: InkoBaby & Angelcare & Simplee Sangenic  nappy bins
The quality of film included Antibacterial material  8,5M without PerfumeClick here to see instructions for use
1658MInkoBaby Refill model: <span>Simpel One</span>
Producer of
Fits: InkoBaby & Sangenic simplee  nappy bins
The film included Antibacterial material without parfume Click here to see instructions for use
Klimavenlig Genbrugsplast
Climate Friendly Recycled Plastic
1620MInkoBaby Refill model: <span> Climate Simpel One</span>
Producer of
Fits: InkoBaby & Sangenic simplee  nappy bins
The film included Antibacterial material without parfume Click here to see instructions for use
1694MInkoBaby All-in-one refill
Producer of
Fits InkoBaby and Sangenic-Tommee Tippee Tec  and Easy seal
do not fit Sangenic Simplee & Sangenic Twist & Click
 incl. anti bacteriel Foil, without parfume  15MClick here to see instructions for use
Klimavenlig Genbrugsplast
Climate Friendly Recycled Plastic
1610MInkoBaby Climate All-in-one refill
Producer of
Fits InkoBaby and Sangenic-Tommee Tippee Tec And Easy Seal 
do not fit Sangenic Simplee & Sangenic Twist & Click
 incl. anti bacteriel Foil, without parfume  15MClick here to see instructions for use
2003MInkoAdult refill
Producer of
Fits for: InkoAdult Nappy Bins
The quality of foil included antibacterial material 15M
1682InkoBaby Nappy Bin Opera White
The funktions of the bin is the System Twist and Seal, which means each single used nappy
will be twist and seal, means NO SMELL
1681InkoBaby Nappy Bin Opera Blue
The funktions of the bin is the System Twist and Seal, which means each single used nappy
will be twist and seal, means NO SMELL
1775MInko Touch Nappy Bin
Can be used for both baby and adult diapers
1770MInko DeLuxe Touch Metal Nappy Bin
Can be used for both baby and adult diapers

As the producer of the InkoBaby nappy bin, we guarantee high quality and a clever twist and seal system. The system ensures that each nappy is sealed in a lightly scented film, when placed in the bin. The specially designed closing mechanism leaves the room odourless. Choose InkoBaby for an effective handling of the many daily nappy changes. The nappy pail can easily contain between 28 and 40 nappies depending on the size. InkoBaby – easy, simple and odourless!

Order your InkoBaby nappy bin and refills here. The InkoBaby nappy bin is available in many different colours and several sizes. Our InkoBaby refill Weekend model also fits the Angelcare nappy pail.

Advantages of the twist and seal system
A changing table should be both practical and hygienic. The InkoBaby nappy bin is the ideal solution: odourless, specially designed closing system and spacious. The clever twist and seal system seals all used nappies in the lightly scented film inside the bin. This ensures that the room, where the many daily nappy changes take place, stays bacteria free and odourless. If you buy online, it is a good idea to order extra refills, to ensure you do not run out. Look forward to hygienic and practical nappy changes – every time!